A Passion For Sexual Purity – Part 2
The 8.3 million people are living in South Africa with HIV, AIDS and South Africa accounts for 20% of new HIV infections currently in the world. Even though hosting a porn site in South Africa is illegal, South Africans have free access to porn around the world. Cape Town is the most popular destination for the LGBT tourists in Africa. Having its own Cape Town Pride Festival in February and March, and it’s even nicknamed the gay capital of Africa. More than 33% of girls and 36% of boys report having some form of sexual abuse in their lives. Now how accurate this data is really depends upon us. Suppose the Google websites and their statistical websites, but the point I’m simply making is that sexual immorality that comes from self-undulatus. It’s rampant in South Africa. We continue this morning then to search God’s heart to get his perspective on what is the biblical solutions to dealing with sexual immorality. And obviously the first answer is people need to be saved, their hearts need to be changed, they need to shift focus away from self gratification towards seeking to honor and worship and God, they need to repent and believe in Christ, death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sin and the transformation of their hearts. That’s ground level foundational step 101. Not once again, just a reminder of the historical background of Thessaloniki and Paul’s day’s marriages and the Greek and Roman world was set up by family arrangements. Young men in their 20s and young ladies and their teens had barely met when they were married, and so marriage was simply a… a legal arrangement for the exchanging of money and goods. And the ability to have children. And so this created an environment in which husbands were expected or were not expected to be committed to their marriages. We also read that living several years before Paul’s time, a man named Demosthenes explained the situation this way. He said, mistresses we keep for our pleasure, concubines for our day-to-day physical well-being, and wives to bear as legitimate children. And that was kind of the perspective in their day. Thessaloniki was a city filled with fornication, adultery, homosexuality, pedophilia, transvestism and a variety of pornographic and erotic perversions. Pagan Greek society had no civil laws prohibiting immoral behavior. Sexual immorality was ingrained in that society, and many of the mystery religion promoted ritual prostitution. All were organizers of that. Some thought that engaging with the temple prostitute meant to commune. Coincidentally, with the deity of that prostitute. Or what that prostitute represented, and it’s reported that in the Temple of Aphrodite in Corinth, for instance, there are more than 1000 priestesses who were temple prostitutes. So in Thessaloniki, the cult of Cabrini Kabiri or Samothrace sanctioned sexual relationships that would be considered sinful practices. For Christians. You see, it’s a society that did not have Christian influence. There was nothing of that, whereas today we still have some deterrent coming from the Christian Society people not… Not a lot, but there is some of that restraining impact. And so people in society, didn’t even condemn this. These kind of practices, they actually condoned them. And so when Paul and his team of missionaries fundamentally were the rescuing people out of a pornographic society. And remember, having only had three weeks to Minister there, Paul realized, hey, I need to give some more instructions on this and that’s what he’s giving us even this morning, as he had written to the… the… the believers at that time period. He’s also writing to us in a sense today in terms of application. Many of the converts would have had their own mistresses. Many of the women would have been involved in harlotry. And so they’re dealing with that as a past background or they were still struggling with that in reality, even as they’ve come to faith in Christ. And so we continue in our passage as we delve into God’s word concerning becoming more devoted to moral purity. And I’m going to read verses one through 8 just gives us the whole context. Again, we’ll be zooming in on verses three really through to 6-7 and eight.