Lock down conflict removals
Well, hello to everybody there. This is my second Sunday in lockdown and also my second message to you. I’ve entitled this message lockdown, conflict removals. The reality that you may be facing being… being in lockdown situation is that you live closer to family members and… and friends. And you may have noticed differences in the way that maybe family members or friends do things and also another thing you may discover is certain designers may have increased, like the desire for chocolate or the desire to do things you’re always used to do and that you cannot do that in the moment you discover that some of your desires. You may be frustrated by some of the people in your home. I discovered that I have a… a desire for neatness when it comes to actually cooking. Great. Was… was my surprise to discover that some of my family members who don’t mind being messy when they cook. And that creates obviously a situation which is easy, that can lead towards conflict or… or disagreements or to even respond in an ungodly manner, responding sinfully to differences or… or frustrated desires leads very easily to conflicts. Reading the news, I noticed something. And during this lockdown period, there was a sudden increase in domestic violence. And I realized that with the increased pressures, people’s desires being frustrated, and so they responded, anger and conflict, and even physical violence in some cases, how should you as a believer, respond in such situations in which there’s more pressure or more stress or more of your design? Being frustrated and people around you do things simply different than what you. God’s Word…uh…, I believe, gives us some helpful advice to… to pay the platform to respond godly to different differences between people and frustrated desires, and specifically to conflicts. Our passage that we’ll be looking at today come from the book of James. James was written somewhere between 44 to 49 BC. To specifically to Jewish believers who were fleeing from persecution. The reason that they were fleeing was possibly because of Steve… Steven’s martyrdom that we read about in Acts Chapter 8 verses 1, all likely under King Herod Agrippa, that we read about in the book of Acts. Chapter 12. Herod made a great debt in Rome and was actually imprisoned by imperious Emperor Tiberius, after making some careless comments and was released after Emperor Tiberius died and he was finding he was made ruler over northern Iraq. No. And later, uh, he added Judea and Samaria, and he was really there from 37 to 44 BC to show up. Is shake your relationships with Rome? You’re trying to strengthen ties by with the Jews, the local Jews, by persecuting Christian believers from Jewish background. We read the next chapter 12 verses one. This is some of the background to James. This is about that time here the king laid violent hands on some who belonged to the church. Verse two to three, we read that he killed James, the brother of John, with the sword. And when he saw that the police, the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also. And this was during the days of unleavened bread. And so, the result of this persecution was that believers were fleeing from Jerusalem. And so, James, the brother of Jesus, the pastor of the Jerusalem Church of that stand, rise to the scattered church members due to persecution. And the reality was that his church members had left their homes. They lost their income, they were stressed. And there was a great temptation for them, especially in trials like these, to compromise and to respond sinfully to circumstances. And so, James stresses throughout the book godly behaviour and to be uncompromising and obedient to God’s word, especially in these kind of time periods. And so, James reminds him. And if you work through the book of James, you’ll… you’ll see in James chapter one. This is 2 through 18 that he says, look, the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and Christian maturity. So, there’s a positiveness towards going through these kinds of trials. One versus 19 to 26 he… he encourages his members to be doers of the words of God and not only hearers, and to versus one through 13, to love and not show partiality to one another, two versus 14 through 16, that faith without works is dead, and so obviously you need to be demonstrating. That you are a believer three or five and three verses, one through 12, he says. Be careful also what comes out of your mouth, and he warns about the dangers, especially in trials and difficult circumstances. We we’re very easy to sin with our terms. And 3 verses 18…13 through 18, he talks about an attitude of humility and that through the attitude of the and that attitude, that to show the works by good conduct and to demonstrate a wisdom from above, by being a… a peacemaker, especially in conflict kind of scenarios. In chapter 4: 1-13, that’s our passage that we’ll be looking at, he reminds him of the… What are the causes of conflict? What is the correct attitude that you have to have in resolving conflicts? And then what are some commands that you should be obeying? And then he warns obviously, about the danger of slander in in conflicts. 4: 13-17, it talks about being careful of presumptuous sins and the sins of omission. And 5: 1-6, he warns the rich about sinful behaviours, especially that there may be manifesting in those times and 5: 7-20, that he then encourages Godly behavior, and the life of prayer and… and also to care for the… the wandering believe. And so today we we’re going to focus on one portion of that book, 4: 1-11. And I want to share with you three steps to. help to overcome conflict so that you can be a peacemaker and trials even… even in these lockdown scenarios.
And the and the finish point would be.
What are some of the causes for conflicts?
And secondly, what is the correct attitude that you should have to resolve conflicts scenario.
And thirdly, certain commands to obey.
And so read with me as we read from James 4: 1-10. I would also just that just before that, I think maybe what I’ll do is I’ll read from Chapter 3: 13. So which kind of gives us the context for Chapter 4. So, I’m… I’m picking it up from James 3: 13.