The Ever Compassionate Heart
As we continue through this book…. I’ve entitled this Do you have a compassionate heart? One thing that stood out for me as I read this letter is just noticing Paul as a shepherd. His shepherding is caring his compassion for his people. You know, it’s a big concern for him when his people are suffering and struggling. I think that’s true for any, any pastor. Our hearts reach out when we see you guys struggling when we see you struggling even in your walk with God that that’s a concern. That’s a worry for us. And we gotta be careful that we don’t sin because the Bible says we shouldn’t be worrying. And so the alternative to warriors praying. Because you’re shifting your heart from a distracting care back to Jesus Christ, where it should be. Now our world needs Christ even more. I see that going into the mall and the beginning. There’s this great entry. Enthusiasm about hearing the gospel over time, you begin to see people dissipate. Why? Because they’re naturally choosing away. Often from hearing God’s word. It’s not very nice when you’re reminded every week if you don’t trust in Christ that you’re going to help. People don’t like that, especially that kind of message. People need hearts transformed. People need God to do that surgery within their hearts. And for that to happen, you need people sharing the gospel, sharing the truth with other people. And for that to happen. The people who share need to have compassionate hearts need hearts that are sensitive, concerned, caring for people out there. And actually fact a compassionate heart is the heart of God. And Psalm 103 verses 13 we read as a father shows compassion to his children. So the Lord shows compassion to those of fear Him. What an amazing description of our God that we serve and he wants us. We were created in the image of God. He wants us to be reflecting also that compassionate heart. This is the same heart that we see exemplified in the life of Jesus. A compassion we could describe, by the way, is it kind of like a maternal love, which is demonstrated by definite acts. It’s it’s showing kindness and favour and and even pity and mercy. It’s a heart that enters sympathetically into another person’s sorrows and pains. And if you notice when when we read about Jesus, how he recognized his sheep were harassed and helpless, and that led him to instruct his disciples and say, hey, you need to pray and ask God to send out more labourers because there’s lots of sheep out there and they need, they need someone who comes with a compassionate heart. Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Matthew 9: 36 we see them when he saw or noticed Jesus observes the crowds. He had compassion for them. Because they were harassed. You know the world that’s filled with sin leaves the world harassed. Difficulties, afflictions, COVID flu sicknesses, harassed helpless like sheep without a shepherd. And when people do not have a shepherd, they become floundering. They wander off. Sometimes wolves eat them. And Jesus goes on, he says. Then he said to his disciples. Remember notice what had driven him. He had compassion for them. But he says to his disciples, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Why is he saying that? Because he knows they need laborers. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest to send out labourers and to his harvest. I want to encourage you, even as a church, may that be a prayer request in our own hearts. God raise up labourers, even from within this church, and bring us more labourers to be sent out into the harvest. That’s something we prayed at Mirand. Remember that. And God was very faithful. And he answered that. And he sent out labours this church many years ago, sent out a missionary who’s still a missionary, even today in Malawi, among the Yao people. We don’t even know a number of you don’t even know who he is. OK, but he used to be from this church. He used to be in the Sunday school. It’s a compassionate heart of Jesus that saw the grief of a widow and raised his son. We read about that in Luke 7: 13 when the Lord saw her. He saw the need. He had compassion on her and he said to her, do not weep. I think it’s compassion, hearts. Let us care for Saints who are suffering even in Ukraine. So as a church where you raise some money, we could send some money there. That’s that’s a little bit of a compassionate heart caring. You see, compassionate heart produces Christ like ministry. And so why am I focusing? Why am I not just saying let’s go new ministry because our hearts need to be in the right condition for us to go and do ministry to serve others, to consider others more important than self. The self-centered hard as the opposite really of a compassionate heart, self centred is focused on your own needs. Compassionate Heart is focused on the others people’s needs. Some background, remember to Thessalonians. Paul is compassionate and his pastoral hard drives his desire to be with the Saints and to minister to the persecuted Thessalonian believers. And so read with me as we read 1 Thessalonians 3: 6-13.