The Light and the Word – Part 2 of 3
So, in the first sermon of this three-part series titled Jesus God, I began with this statement:
“Jesus Christ is the only word become flesh and the only light, that you, Christian, must stand by.”
In part one, I also pointed out the fact that the fallen condition of man prefers not to be limited or subject to one light. Rather, that fallen condition in man would prefer to put himself at the center of His existence as a little God, refusing to take the singular position that Jesus Christ is the only word become flesh, and the only light. To understand that all you need to do is have a look at what’s happening around us and to understand the various avenues that people will find and that they proclaim towards an eternal life or goodness or a manner in coming together with God. I said that there are three lines that we as Christians must draw in the sand and take our standard. These lines are Jesus is God, which we dealt with last time and this morning the line is the message of the true light demands a response which is the title of the sermon this morning as well. And the third line is Jesus lived on the in the flesh on Earth.
Now with this, Part 2 of the series we will address the second line that you as a Christian are to draw in the sand the message of the true line demands a response. In doing so, we will deal with the statement that the true light has come and has caused the need for one of two responses. All the while keeping in mind that the lostness of man, the hardness of man, that fallen condition, and yes, beloved, even sometimes in ourselves, that fallen flesh would want to rise up and have its way. But that fallen condition denies the true light and denies the requirement of a response. You see, the fact is, Jesus was not just another man to walk the pages of history. So many people would want to say that it’s just another guy who happened to be in history. No, he is the man who determined history. And then entered that very history with the expectation that His presence and the message receive a response. Jesus did not wonder if His being God on Earth in the state of man would perhaps create ripples of emotion in mankind. Oh no… He knew that and indeed wanted His presence to create a tsunami of reaction. Christ anticipated and expected that when he came, there would be reaction, and that’s what he wants. And we see this, we see tidal waves of Love and of hatred. Indeed, Jesus knew this and even wanted this. Now you would ask. Perhaps you know how can you say that? How can I maintain that God the Father never intended for His son to be just that middle of the road type of guy not to upset anyone, not to stir the pot, not to cause? How can I hold to the fact that Jesus himself bulked or recoiled even at this idea? So just to give you an idea why I hold to that, let’s just look at 2 portions of Scripture, two scripture references. Luke records the words of Jesus in Luke 12: 49 to 53 and Luke writes. I came to cast fire on Earth. And would that it were already kindled? I have a baptism to be baptized with and. How great is my distress until it is accomplished? Oh my. My goodness. I mean, I mustn’t even get there’s sermon in itself, but let’s. Carry on right there. Do you think that I’ve Come to give peace on Earth. No, I tell you, but rather division. These are the words of Christ. These are the words of the loving Lord Jesus Christ who reached into your life, beloved and saved you. And if you are in our midst this morning and are not saved, that’s the Lord that is reaching into your life with His word and calling. Jesus goes on to say from now on in one house there will be 5 divided 3 against two and two against three they Will be divided. Father against son and again and son against Father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. Then John writes to the Church of Laodicea – Revelation 3:15 to 16. He also writes the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. As the Lord addresses the church in Laudatia and listen to what he says. I know your works. You are neither cold nor hot.
Would that you either be cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm. And neither hot nor cold. I will spit you out of my mouth. They’re quite harsh words for a loving Lord and savior, but when you understand in the context of what is speaking, they are not harsh words. Jesus Christ is saying is an either-or an. All there isn’t a middle road. You see below that, Jesus Christ while he was on earth, knew His full man state. Knew full wealth that he was fully man and fully God. That’s called the hypostatic union. And there’s been so much debate and disagreement with that condition or that state of Christ. But to understand that as he walked on this earth, as he was fully man fully God, fully able to be empathetic with the state of man, but fully able to bring, bring the decree of His Father onto Earth.
And he
Knew that he was on the mission of saving the lost, and he stole on that mission. Who else but God the son, the chief, the chief command, or the commander in chief? I’m not even gonna go the Commander in chief could say, do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than 12 legions of angels? Matthew 26: 53. I just need to just paint the picture there because this is not just the middle of the road type of guy That can call out for the Father to send these legions. Have you ever thought? Of what? More than 12 legions of angels looks like? In the blink of an eye now, depending on what source you consider or read, a legion of angels numbers anything from 3000 to 6000 angels.
And lead!
That’s 36,000 to 72,000 angels at Its side at the blink of an eye. So, it’s not just any man in history. That walked the earth. This is Jesus Christ the Lord. No, this is not just a Goodman a moral guide. A teacher with a better theory than another. This is not A man that you can get ½ an ear to and listen to if it’s if it suits you. This is the son of the most high God, the commander above all, and there is coming, a time beloved when every knee will bow to Jesus Christ, and every tongue will confess. That he is God. Romans 14:11. That time is coming. Those who receive Jesus will. Kneel and declare him with jubilation. When that time comes, when we need to give an account and we stand before the Lord, we will make that declaration with joy. It will bubble forth from us. The hope that we have now the expectation.
Is it coming on the clouds? When is he coming? We will stand before him. And we will. Jubilation say you are Lord. The shocking truth of that joy. The flip side of that coin, as it were, will be this. That those who rejected Jesus will also. Call him Lord. They will call him Lord. But they will do so in sorrow. They will do so through the gnashing of teeth. They will do so in despondency. You see, beloved, the fact that man says Jesus is Lord.
All that man says Jesus is not. Lord does not make him Lord. He is Lord. That’s why we call him Lord. Now to cement the second line. The message of the of the true light demands a response into your thinking. I will use three support pillars that I want you to pull. Drive. Do you know what pull drive means? If you’ve ever seen buildings being built, they… pull, drive huge pillars. Into the ground. They have these mechanical hammers, these huge hammers that just thump these pillars into the ground that go down meters onto solid bedrock, and on that they build the building, and the buildings never move. And that’s what I want you to do with these three pillars this morning. The first pillar is the purpose of the witness versus 6 to 8.
The second pillar is the rejection of Jesus Christ versus 19 – 11 and the third pillar is the accepted the sorry, the 2nd pillars. The rejection of Jesus Christ versus 19 -11 and the third pillar is the acceptance of Jesus Christ.
So, as you as you Smack these pillars into your thinking and into your reasoning process. Use them to weave and bold and layer and intertwine your reasoning around them. What is the account that you will give to someone when they ask you why do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you have an answer for them and hopefully this morning is going to help you formulate and build that answer so on to our first pillar this morning. The purpose of the Witness Verses 6 to 9.