The Rapture – A Message of Hope
November 19, 2023

The Rapture – A Message of Hope

Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
Service Type:

Bring in. And will I see them again? Will I see my loved ones again? When you switch on television, you see the reports coming in on YouTube of Ukraine and Russia. I think the big emphasis is on the moment is on Israel. And you see a country falling apart. And maybe a question that begins to surface in many true believers. Is… is Christ coming soon? Because when you begin to see these kinds of things, the turmoil in Israel that sets a platform rarely for the for the things that will be taking place as… as Christ may be coming soon, I think our passage while passage this morning. And provides you with some truths that the death of a loved one and in Christ and… and provides us some insights about Christ. And he’s coming!
And the fact that he can come at any moment for his church. Now the Thessalonian church, may you, you may remember, was planted in three weeks. Persecution had caused the mission team to move away from the… the city, and some believers had in fact died. And actually, even currently while Paul was writing, some of them were also died. False teachers had started to rise up and there were rumours that believers had in fact missed the coming of Christ. That they’d missed the Rapture and that the church was already in the Tribulation period. We read about that in second test alone in Chapter 2, and so some of some of the believers in the Thessalonian church were concerned about that. But these… this young church was struggling with questions, questions about their departed loved ones. What’s gonna happen to them? Would they meet them again? Was there hope for them?
So read with me as we read First Thessalonians Chapter 4 verses 13 through 18. We do not have that on the on the screen. I want you to look in your Bible. So that’s why it’s not on the screen.
So, first Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13.
So, this morning I’m going to be sharing with you 4 truths about the Rapture that comforts the bereaved – that should give you and I comfort – that comforts those who had lost fellow loved ones in Christ were 13. We read about the Raptures. How? Versus 14 to 16, the Raptors Foundation, verse 17, the Rapture enacted and the raptures message verse 18. From the onslaught, I must just mention Rapture is simply a theological term utilized for that term that you find in verse 17. Being caught up. And so, when I’m using that term, that’s what I’m meaning being caught up being gathered up and that’s what that term that’s referring to. And so, let’s have a look at that. Being caught up or the gathering to meet with Christ.

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