3 Actions Jesus did that encourages unbelievers to repent 1. Jesus clarified His identity vs 35-37 2. Jesus characterized the unbelievers life and destiny vs 38-40 3. Jesus contrasted self…
4 truths encourages you to comprehensively love of God, that anchors you in uncertain times. 1. The significant question vs 28 2. The supreme commands vs 29-31 3. The sensible…
Our lives are filled with many issues. Shopping, internet, emails, text messages, social media, television, gaming, reading, traveling, business, meetings, corruption, people lying etc We live in a world of…
2 Proofs that God will Resurrect You That Reassure a Doubting Heart: 1. Foolish attempt to discredit the resurrecting - vv.19-23 2. Firm proof for the resurrection - vv.24-27
1. Jesus the prey - vv13-14 2. Jesus blows the whistle - vv15 3. Jesus establishes the principle - vv16 4. Jesus demands submission - vv17
Six Manifestations of God’s qualities that demands your worship.God displays perfect preparation. God displays great patience. God displays loving grace. God displays fearful justice. God displays ultimate supremacy. God’s displays…
4 Truths that Reveal How Recruiting God as the Source of Christ's Authority, Reveals a Stubborn, Unbelieving Heart: 1. Challenging the source of Jesus's authority - vv27-28 2. Counter question…