6 Truths That Reveal God's Divine Plan for Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple that Jesus is the Center Piece of History: God's Divine Plan in answer to prayer…
Part 1: Daniel's prayers were grounded in Scripture - vv1-2 Daniel's prayers were grounded in faith - vv3 Part 2: 3. Daniel's prayers exalted God - vv4 4. Daniel's prayers…
Last week in Part 1: Daniel's prayers were grounded in Scripture - vv1-2 Daniel's prayers were grounded in faith - vv3 This week in Part 2 3. Daniel's prayers exalted…
This week in Part 1: Daniel's prayers were grounded in Scripture - vv1-2 Daniel's prayers were grounded in faith - vv3 Next week in Part 2: 3. Daniel's prayers exalted…
In our focus on Daniel, I've entitled this message God the Sovereign Savior and Judge, and I'm going to attempt to preach through Chapter 8 this morning and we'll see…
Part 1 1. Vision of three beasts removed - vv1-7a 2. Vision of the fourth beast and its horns - vv7b-8 3. Vision of God removing the fourth beast -…
In this, the first of a 2 part sermon we dive into the sovereignty of God as He installs and removes rulers over various empires, ultimately installing His Son in…
9 Points That Prove That God is the Living, Saving God, Who Delivers His People that Trust and Obey Him. 1. Credibility - vv1-3 2. Collusion - vv4-9 3. Communing…
7 Events that Reveal the Danger of Dishonouring God and Delaying Repentance: Last Week in Part 1: 1. Revelery of the king - vv1-4 2. Revelation from God - vv5…