• The tomb is secured Matt 27: 62-66 Mark 25:42 Luke 23:54 Matthew 16;22 Matthew 17:23 Matthew 20:19 1 Corinthians 25: 3-4a • The tomb is empty 28: 1-10 Luke…
God is the originator, the sustainer and the end of missions. God's Glory (character) compels missions. Worship is the godly response to the goal of missions. The fall set the…
The Birth of Jesus was supernatural - vv18-19 The Birth of Jesus was God's plan all along - vv20, 22-23 The Birth of Jesus is believable - vv24-25 The Birth…
Definition: Christian Fasting – abstaining from food for a certain length of time for the purpose expressing 2 things – dependence on God and submission to His will amidst a…